Book Review: Princess for Hire: A Farewell to Charms by Lindsey Leavitt

★★★★★ 5/5 stars!!!

This was such a lovely end to a gem of a series. If you just base this series off of it's appearance, then you are completely wrong. Yes, it is labeled as a "children's" book but it's a lot more mature than you would think it is, and the main character Desi is really mature for a 13/14 year old. I was NOT that mature when I was that old!!! Lindsey Leavitt should have at least made Desi 15/16... But oh well.

Anyways. This novel reaches beyond the scope of the hey-let's-just-invent-magic-for-the-sake-of-using-it-for-this-agency-and-the-plot-and-not-mention-it's-uses-for-world-peace-and-shit. It actually asks the question "If we have this magic, why don't we use it for the greater good of the planet? which is totally something that I don't see often. Did I mention that this is labeled as a children's book?

The ending to the series' conflict was realistic. Using subs' magic and stripping of their memories sounds reasonable to me, (I mean, for the sake of the plot of course lol) and if Facade had been doing it for so long, it would be unrealistic for Desi to suddenly just change everything. Genevieve offering them to run another branch of the company made sense, and I guess everything just wrapped up really nicely for me!

I don't get why Leavitt had to throw in that doubt of whether Reed was the one subbing for Prince Karl... but it did add some spice to the book. Reed and Desi are really cute! BUT I JUST CAN'T IMAGINE DESI AS A 13/14 YEAR OLD. Leavitt you are too mature to be writing about a 13/14 year old.

All in all, I really loved this series. The synopsis sounds really stupid and kiddish, but the prince/princess/royalty/magic thing is handled really well and there's some cute romance in it.

 If you're looking for a guilty pleasure read or you're just bored out of your mind, read this. It's awesome :3 Leavitt is a surprisingly awesome writer.

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  • February 14, 2018 at 7:14 a.m. | Permalink
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